7 ChatGPT Prompts That Make Training Evaluation Better, Easier, and More Fun!

ATD 2024 参加報告

7 ChatGPT Prompts That Make Training Evaluation Better, Easier, and More Fun!



10:30 AM – 11:30 AM CST

●7 ChatGPT Prompts That Make Training Evaluation Better, Easier, and More Fun!

Location: Room 255-257

Ilona Boomsma – Route 12 | Bureau Reuring;
Peter Pease (he/him/his) – Peter Pease Learning Psychology

Are you wondering how AI could help you overcome your evaluation challenges? In this session you’ll experiment with 7 prompts that will help in designing and analyzing evaluation, and make learning evaluation more fun, easier, faster, cost-efficient, and better, making continuous improvement possible within your organization.

Learning Objectives:
Identify three specific areas in your evaluation process where the application of AI can improve efficiency, impact, or fun.
Design a new measurement instrument that’s tailored to your specific context.
Analyze, visualize, and translate data into actions quickly using a step-by-step prompt approach.




・Prompt engineering




・問い metrics, pro con,


ChatGPT https://chatgpt.com/
Gemini https://gemini.google.com/app







