Crowdsourcing Your Way to Training ROI: Measuring the Hard-to-Measure Quickly

ATD 2024 参加報告

Crowdsourcing Your Way to Training ROI: Measuring the Hard-to-Measure Quickly



1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CST

●Crowdsourcing Your Way to Training ROI: Measuring the Hard-to-Measure Quickly

Location: Room 206-207

Warren Ernst – Heliogen

Establishing the value of “soft skills training” is impossible – or is it? Learn to harness the “wisdom of crowds” to establish actual dollar values for soft skills training so quickly and easily, you’ll demonstrate how important training is to the bottom line after every class. We’ll even calculate the dollar value of attending this session live!

Learning Objectives:
Deploy online survey tools to quickly collect crowdsourced data to determine the dollar value of soft-skills training events.
Calculate the ROI of training events and initiatives to present the value proposition of your training efforts.
Demonstrate to company leaders that crowdsourcing is a legitimate method of training data collection for establishing ROI.



・J.PhillipsのROI Instituteで学んだ 





・Crowdsourcing 大勢の力を借りる 












(3) Xユーザーの関根雅泰さん: 「13時「Crowdsourcing Your Way to Training ROI: Measuring the Hard-to-Measure Quickly」最後の最後に凄いセッションに出会えた。「4つの質問」と「コスト算出」で「ROI」が出せる!実際このセッションのROIは996%と参加者の目の前で出た!しかもウェブで情報をフリー公開。この人凄いな~。#atd24」 / X (



